Satuday 5:30 pm
This is a casual worship service. It includes readings, congregational hymn singing, scripture lessons, and a message from our pastor. It does not typically have formal music ensembles. A financial gifts offering is received. It is offered in-person.
Sunday 9:30 am
This traditional worship service includes readings, congregational hymn singing, scripture lessons, a time for our young-disciples, a message from our pastor, and often features our choir, Trinity Singers. It may feature special music, our bell choir, or praise team. A financial gifts offering is received. It is both in-person and Livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube.
We invite and will welcome you to any or all of our worship celebrations! If you are seeking a church home, we invite you to consider our church as your place to walk and grow in the love of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Worship Services
Holy Communion is served on the 1st Sunday of the month and the preceding Saturday night. It may be offered at other services during the year. We believe Communion is a means of God’s grace and welcome all persons at the Lord’s Table to receive Holy Communion. If you have any questions regarding communion, please contact us.