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Connected Church

   United Methodist leaders often speak of the denomination as "the connection." This concept has been central to Methodism from its beginning.

   The United Methodist structure and organization began as a means of accomplishing the mission of spreading scriptural holiness. Methodism's founder, John Wesley, recognized the need for an organized system of communication and accountability and developed what he called the "connexion," a network of classes, societies, and annual conferences.

   Today, our denomination continues to be organized in a "connectional" system, which "enables us to carry out our mission in unity and strength." Every local church is linked to an interconnected network of organizations that join together in mission and ministry, allowing us to accomplish far more than any one local church or person could alone.

Learn More

Follow the link above to learn more about the international Christian Denomination our church belongs to.

Follow the link above to get more local information about the United Methodist Church in Iowa.

Within Iowa, we are part of the above district. We are part of the "CalHamSter" circuit, linking local churches.

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